The transition from the Roman Republic to Imperial Rome was so complicated and involved so many plots that it has, and still, inspired a lot of books and movies (e.g. However, the Roman Empire could suppress the rebellion in the end. The scope of the unrest was limited in the beginning, but it turned into an organized rebellion that spread fast. The most famous rebellion in the history of the Roman Empire is the one started and organized by a gladiator named Spartacus. This instability in the West gradually undermined Rome. However, Rome could not find a permanent solution to this problem for centuries. Julius Caesar won the first major victories against the barbarian confederation. Later, these tribes came together to build a confederation and they became a great threat to the Roman Empire. In the beginning, the barbarians that fought as individual tribes were destroyed by the Roman legions easily. Today’s modern North European nations were seen as Barbarians since they were outside the circle of the Roman civilization. The long-term enemy of the Roman Empire were the barbarian tribes in the north. In terms of military power, it built a superior military system better than any rival armies and it dominated Europe, Asia and Africa by building military groups named Legionary, who were resilient and disciplined warriors. Firstly, it established its absolute power over Italy and it began to control the whole Mediterranean region. Rome was founded as an Italian city-state and it took control of other city-states by following an expansionist policy. In this context, they have built the administrative and legal foundations contemporary western civilization. Romans built a great civilization upon the mathematical, philosophical and medicinal foundations of Ancient Greece and left a great heritage regarding military, administration, architecture and law. During the reign of the Five Good Emperors, the Roman Empire was at the height of its power. Rome, a republic in Italy, evolved over time into an empire that dominates the known world. The Roman Empire map shows the transformation of Rome from a city-state to an empire.